Hytrak Real Corporation

About Us

President and Founder

Mark Mitchell

Mark is hard driving entrepreneur with a passion for building things. He is also the President and CEO of Lake County Contractors. He graduated from Cal Poly with a degree in Construction Management and City and Regional Planning. He is a licenced contractor and civil engineer in California. He has designed, engineered and built over 1000 projects in has 35-year career. His biggest passion is building things faster and more cost effective than anyone thought possible.
Our Team
Kelli Jo Brown
Land and Right-of-Ways Kelli is a 26-year veteran in land acquisition, right-of-way documentation and record title. She has degree in GIS mapping and ground base GIS information systems. She is an expert in title documentation and property descriptions, including private and publicly held properties. Working for the County of Lake she was in charge of all land divisions, mergers, and tax district divisions and allocations.
Rob Williams
Construction and Fabrication Rob has 35 years of experience in infrastructure development and construction. Rob started his construction career at the age of 17 and has worked his way through the ranks and now is partner and chief of Operations for Lake County Contractors. Rob has managed multi-million dollars residential and commercial project. Under his supervision our construction company has not had a serious injury in 19 years.
Roy Mitchell
Finance Roy is a certified public accountant and previously the Finance Director for the City of Galt and the City of Fort Bragg. He also worked directly on multimillion dollar redevelopment projects for those cities overseeing the public and private funds as well as tax appropriation for those project to the Cities. Roy also recently held the world record for a short time for the bench press for a man over the age of 65.
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